From Laurence Stern's The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, Book I, Ch XXII:
"The learned Bishop Hall, I mean the famous Dr. Joseph Hall, who was Bishop of Exeter in King James the First’s reign, tells us in one of Decads, at the end of his divine art of meditation, imprinted at London, in the year 1610, by John Beal, dwelling in Aldersgate-street, “That it is an abominable thing for a man to commend himself;”——and I really think it is so.
"And yet, on the other hand, when a thing is executed in a masterly kind of a fashion, which thing is not likely to be found out;—I think it is full as abominable, that a man should lose the honour of it, and go out of the world with the conceit of it rotting in his head.
"This is precisely my situation."
I'm lucky to have received, long ago, an expensive education in philosophy. I got out of philosophy, but its problems have continued to interest me.
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